The International AMOC

The AMOC is one of the world's oldest one-make car clubs, Its international membership, historical artifact & records collection and extremely high quality events make it a leader in the field. It was the late Mortimer Morris-Goodall, who started it all 75+ years ago. His reverence for “Bert Bertelli and his Astons” prompted the thought that almost everyone else who had the good fortune or sense to own an Aston felt the same and “how nice it would be to meet some of these people. S.C.H. (‘Sammy’) Davis agreed that an Aston Martin Owners Club was needed and inserted notes in The Autocar magazine (of which he was Sports Editor) on the 3rd and 17th of May, 1935, calling a meeting. The 30 or so people who turned up on May 25th, 1935 elected a committee of management which formed the core of the original club.

Our Memorandum of Association provides that the Club is established to: “promote the sport and pastime of motoring’’, “develop interest in the ASTON MARTIN CAR’’ and “encourage social intercourse between Members’’.

The Club, in the UK, puts on some five race meetings a year, at least one hillclimb and three sprints. Worldwide, the Club is represented on most continents, with thriving sections in Germany, Holland, Switzerland and the USA. Other countries have a smaller representation which are no less enthusiastic. These groups also entertain their fellow local Members and visiting guest Members with various events.



Our area is part of the AMOC's Section East, and that is where new members in our region should join. However, you are still part of the international AMOC club, and able to attend events worldwide. Section East takes our dues money and manages the roster. They are also responsible for The Vantage Point magazine which is included with your membership.



AMOC: Red River Region

Comprised primarily of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana, the Red River Region is one of the fastest growing areas for Aston Martin ownership. With established dealers in Austin, Dallas, and Houston, the local Aston Martin community is expanding daily. We are an active group of Aston Martin enthusiasts who gather many times a year for events.